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  • Writer's pictureSarjenka Kuryliw

Teacher Tuesday

Local teacher Treena Williams shares a favourite memory:

In my practicum I had a set of twins walk into the classroom. Their eyes locked on me as one thing was slightly different. I had curled my hair for the first time that year. They continued to walk to their seats and never broke their glances at me. One just simply said "whoa, are you having a bad day?" The other one said "did your hair look like that when you woke up, or is it supposed to be that way?"

Ok then, tough crowd!

An anonymous submission would like to share a shoutout for a local Ashmont School Teacher:

Mr. Songer is the shop/art teacher at Ashmont school, I have the pleasure of working at the same school. I have seen him show kids how to improve their work tenfold- as well he has helped me enormously improve my own art work. He is willing to help anyone that comes and seeks his advice, with a humorous attitude he is easy to get along with. He always is willing to try new projects to give his students different experiences so they can grow artistically or mechanically.

Local Teacher Madison Moskowy has this to share about working for St. Paul Education:

I am a relatively new employee of SPERD, I was away from teaching for almost 10 years before returning. Before being hired by SPERD, I was starting to think that I was not going to succeed in returning to the teaching profession; after being away for so long (being a full-time caregiver to my Mother and other family).

From the very first interview, hiring process, then substitute job. I have only encountered kind supportive people. You know you have found your dream job when you would be willing to go into work for free (but don't stop paying me please-I have bills-and many cats to!).

I have never been a morning person, and always sleep in late when I can. I know! Why pick a career where you have to get up early every day? All I can say, is that since I have been working at NMS and MOHC, I have been excited to get up everyday and go to work. I just love it here so much, this has become "My happy place".

Local Teacher Sarjenka Kuryliw shares a favourite memory:

I think back on my career thus far and one memory that always fills my cup is the last day at "Old" Ashmont School. My classroom was empty. All our belongings in boxes and furniture all gone. My Gr 6 students came in on that last day of school despite all that to spend the day together. It was 3:00 and buses were coming. We sat in a circle on the floor in my barren classroom that we once called home. Each of us shared our best memories and our worries for the new school year, my students worried about the transition to junior high and I shared my fears of being in a brand new building that was not yet finished. It was a time where I can honestly say we felt like a family as we all hugged goodbye with tears in our eyes and left that building one last time. I hope they think of that day with as much love as I do. It was a once in a lifetime feeling.

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